Section: Scientific Foundations


This is a transverse research axis since all the research directions presented above have to be validated by giving control algorithms which are aimed to be implemented in real control systems. We stress below some of the main points which are common (from the implementation point of view) to the application of the different methods described in the previous sections.

For many infinite dimensional systems the use of co-located actuators and sensors and of simple proportional feed-back laws gives satisfying results. However, for a large class of systems of interest it is not clear that these feedbacks are efficient, or the use of co-located actuators and sensors is not possible. This is why a more general approach for the design of the feedbacks has to be considered. Among the techniques in finite dimensional systems theory those based on the solutions of infinite dimensional Riccati equation seem the most appropriate for a generalization to infinite dimensional systems. The classical approach is to approximate an LQR problem for a given infinite dimensional system by finite dimensional LQR problems. As it has been already pointed out in the literature this approach should be carefully analyzed since, even for some very simple examples, the sequence of feedbacks operators solving the finite dimensional LQR is not convergent. Roughly speaking this means that by refining the mesh we obtain a closed loop system which is not exponentially stable (even if the corresponding infinite dimensional system is theoretically stabilized). In order to overcome this difficulty, several methods have been proposed in the literature : filtering of high frequencies, multigrid methods or the introduction of a numerical viscosity term. We intend to first apply the numerical viscosity method introduced in Tcheougoué Tebou – Zuazua [84] , for optimal and robust control problems.